Monday, November 28, 2011

Just a few updates...

Hi all (or any),

Few updates in the slightly low-key life of me.

First, I totally failed my attempt at NaNoWriMo. I'd like to place the blame irrevocably on school and work, but it was also a lack of motivation. I did get a pretty good start...I wrote for five days straight...and then quit writing for seven....after a while I just decided to give up. I haven't read enough fantasy and science fiction to make for a good writer of the same anyway. So, I am going to do more research (i.e. LOTS of reading) and then try again. I'll have to choose a different book for NaNo next year, of course, but hopefully, I will have a real winner.

On a happier, more productive note, it's almost December which means my book reviews will begin! December's will be on books that are set in a dystopian society. On December 1st, I'll post my book list and a little preface, so to speak, with interesting information and such relating to the them.  My first review will be on The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins. I hope you tune in to read the review and whatever fun facts I find!

I'm starting to think this blog may be predominantly a review blog, with a few thoughts sprinkled here and there, some funny (or attempted thereof) anecdotes and such. This is mainly because (as a total newbie to blogger/blogspot), I just discovered today that, although you can have multiple pages, there is not a capability for multiple entries on the added pages. And while I would like to keep my reviews separate from my main blog-list, it look as though I may have to post on the main page...that, or get a new blog entirely.

Anyway, hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving (if it is something you celebrate) and are enjoying the holiday (whichever holiday you may partake in).


Here is a picture of an otter (my favorite non-feline, wild animal) to make you go AWWWW!
