Or would apostasy be more appropriate? I expect not, considering the negative political and religious overtones. I was just on a role. I am just adjusting my vocabulary to it's vocabularic apex.
Okay, enough of that. Basically, I am arriving to the A-to-Z party VERY (although quite fashionably) late. For those of you unfamiliar with the Challenge, see here. I first learned of this challenge before my jump into Bloggerdom from a dear friend, and, now fellow blogger, Jenny. As you may notice, the A-to-Z Challenge takes place throughout the month of April. Yeah, about that: April's pretty much gone. But, being an English Major and an alliteration admirer (haha!), as well as an intensely impatient person, I decided I couldn't wait a whole year to get my alphabetical groove (assuetude) on.
Now here's the hard part. What do I write about?
There are loads of a-word topics, many of which would make for an absolutely awesome entry. I mean I could talk about a number of things:
Arachnophobia (I HATE spiders)
The name Arthur
Arthur, the aardvark
Apple-Bottom Jeans, whatever those are (apparently something you wear with furry boots)
Alpenglow (the light on mountains at sunrise or sunset)
Anthomania (flower obsession)
See? There is an wide assortment of amenable articles, achievements, and adjectives on which I can author.
But, today, along with telling you of my alphabetically rebellious actions, I am going to write about which superpower (other than flying) I wish I could have:
I told you that I was a Harry Potter dork, don't say I didn't warn you. But seriously. How cool would it be to apparate and disapparate between places. Let me make my case.
Taylor's Authoritative Assertions Why it Would Be Awesome to Apparate
1: You would never be late to anything because of...
2: The rising gas prices would have no effect on your travels or sanity:
3: You could travel anywhere and be back home in time for supper.
4: You could travel anywhere and just have supper there. Ahhh, Italia!
6: You could seriously impress your friends by the way you get all knotty and wibbly when you disapparate, like in the later Harry Potter installments
Okay, enough of that. Basically, I am arriving to the A-to-Z party VERY (although quite fashionably) late. For those of you unfamiliar with the Challenge, see here. I first learned of this challenge before my jump into Bloggerdom from a dear friend, and, now fellow blogger, Jenny. As you may notice, the A-to-Z Challenge takes place throughout the month of April. Yeah, about that: April's pretty much gone. But, being an English Major and an alliteration admirer (haha!), as well as an intensely impatient person, I decided I couldn't wait a whole year to get my alphabetical groove (assuetude) on.
Now here's the hard part. What do I write about?
There are loads of a-word topics, many of which would make for an absolutely awesome entry. I mean I could talk about a number of things:
Arachnophobia (I HATE spiders)
The name Arthur
Arthur, the aardvark
Apple-Bottom Jeans, whatever those are (apparently something you wear with furry boots)
Alpenglow (the light on mountains at sunrise or sunset)
Anthomania (flower obsession)
See? There is an wide assortment of amenable articles, achievements, and adjectives on which I can author.
But, today, along with telling you of my alphabetically rebellious actions, I am going to write about which superpower (other than flying) I wish I could have:
The Ability to Apparate.
I told you that I was a Harry Potter dork, don't say I didn't warn you. But seriously. How cool would it be to apparate and disapparate between places. Let me make my case.
Taylor's Authoritative Assertions Why it Would Be Awesome to Apparate
1: You would never be late to anything because of...
- Traffic
- Laziness
- The little old lady that cross the street right when you're trying to get somewhere
2: The rising gas prices would have no effect on your travels or sanity:
3: You could travel anywhere and be back home in time for supper.
4: You could travel anywhere and just have supper there. Ahhh, Italia!
5: You could pop in and out of rooms and annoy and/or the hell out of anyone and everyone!
Now wouldn't that just be so excruciatingly fun?!
Of course, this skill is for witches and wizards alone. Oh, apparently Legos© too:
I'm slightly disturbed at the fact that your head apparently disappears first, but, as long as I don't splinch myself, and end up walking headless down some road, I think it'd be a blast!
I love it! Favorite part: "the way you get all knotty and wibbly...". I'm so stealing that at the next available (applicable) opportunity! :)